Limited Edition Designer Dolls

On the Cult of Design


Have you ever bought something only because it was ‘designer’ regardless of practicality or cost? Do you faithfully attend the various furniture fairs around the world from Milan to Shanghai? Do you have a favourite designer? Do words like Icon, Blueprint and Wallpaper mean more to you than a random string of nouns? If so, then welcome to The Cult of Design.

Limited Edition Designer Dolls pokes fun at the Design cognoscenti. By carefully studying the visual languages and distinct personalities of some of the Design world’s most formidable designers, this project is an observation of how designer personalities are literally becoming synonymous with the objects they design.


Since the release of this project into the public domain, the reaction of the design community has been split between those who adore and those who abhor these figurines for symbolising all that is wrong with the design industry today.

You can view some of these differing opinions on Dezeen.

Olivia Lee